Vanguard Growth ETF

Rentabilité sur six mois: -0.39%
Industrie: Large Cap Growth Equities

Microsoft Corporation
Meta (Facebook)
Alphabet Inc.
Eli Lilly and Company
Google Alphabet
Apple: 13%Microsoft Corporation: 12.1%NVIDIA: 10.9%Amazon: 4.6%Meta (Facebook): 4.5%Alphabet Inc.: 3.7%Eli Lilly and Company: 3.2%Google Alphabet: 3.1%Repos: 41%Partager la part par
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NomIndustriePartager, %P/BVP/SP/EEV/EbitdaRendement en dividendes
Apple Apple Technology 13.0211 63.04 9.18 38.3 27.23 0.4676
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Technology 12.1003 12.45 13.64 37.94 25.74 0.7503
NVIDIA NVIDIA Technology 10.8891 36.25 25.57 52.35 43.89 0.0236
Amazon Amazon Consumer Discretionary 4.55819 7.97 2.8 52.91 19.55 0
Meta (Facebook) Meta (Facebook) Technology 4.46655 6.07 6.89 23.76 16.18 0.245
Alphabet Inc. Alphabet Inc. Technology 3.74797 6.35 5.86 24.39 18.04 0.21
Eli Lilly and Company Eli Lilly and Company Healthcare 3.21464 47.43 15.1 98.32 43.16 0.5892
Google Alphabet Google Alphabet Technology 3.07865 6.41 5.91 24.6 18.2 0.2047
Tesla Tesla Industrials 2.2767 19.92 15.03 207.03 124.73 0
Visa Visa Financials 1.65916 14.25 15.53 28.26 22.15 0.6962

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